Newspapers: Daily Mail case study

 1) What is the front page story on the 31 January 2020 edition of the Daily Mail and how is it presented?

The front page story is about the day Britain left the EU. The Union Jack represents British history and patriotism. The white cliffs of Dover also represent history and tradition.

2) From your analysis in class, what other stories and topics are covered in this edition of the Daily Mail? Focus on the following pages:

Page 2-3 Prime Minister speech

Page 4-5 PM explaining the next steps forward after Brexit

Pages 6-7 ad of mail plus

Page 8-9 controversial tv show Mrs Brown

Pages 38-39

3) Media language: Write an analysis of the construction of the Daily Mail front page: Page design, font, text, images, conventions, hard news/soft news, news values etc.

serif font- tradition, authority, history

images- white cliffs of dover, union jack symbolises Britain' history

hard news about politics

elite nations

4) Narrative: How is narrative used in this edition of the Daily Mail? Look at the selection of news: is there an ongoing narrative? How is narrative created by the paper to engage an audience?

tye narrative suggests that leaving the EU is a good thing and makes the EU seem negative

5) Ideology and audience: What ideologies are present in the newspaper? Is the audience positioned to respond to stories in a certain way?

right wing, conservative ideologies

1) What news content generally features in the Daily Mail?

combination of serious journalism and entertainment,

2) What is the Daily Mail’s mode of address? 

Daily mail has a majority of women reading their content so they aim to engage women.

3) What techniques of persuasion does the Daily Mail use to attract and retain readers?

Practical, Emotional, Associations

4) What is the Daily Mail’s editorial stance?

The Mail’s political stance is traditionally Conservative, having supported the party in all recent general elections. The paper is also known for criticism of the Labour party.

5) Read this brilliant YouGov article on British newspapers and their political stance. Where does the Daily Mail fit in the overall picture of UK newspapers? 

 Daily Mail is seen as Britain’s most right-wing newspaper.

1) How did the launch of the Daily Mail change the UK newspaper industry?

The impact on the newspaper was seen in the way information was presented; the Daily Mail employed shorter bite-size boxes of information see in the magazine-style digests, such as Tit-Bits (1881).This meant that news was presented in shorter articles with clear headlines.

2) What is the 'inverted pyramid of journalism' and why is it important to the way the Daily Mail and Mail Online presents news?

This method, first developed as a result of the need to communicate quickly via telegrams, was used in newspapers as it offered effective communication of the product – the news.

3) What company owns the Daily Mail? What other newspapers, websites and brands do they own?

The Daily Mail is owned by the British Media company DMGT (Daily Mail and General Trust plc)

4) Between 1992 and 2018 the Daily Mail editor was Paul Dacre. What does the extract from Dacre’s speech on the freedom of the press tell us about his ideological position?

He believes in freedom of press and says "The freedom of the press, I would argue, is far too important to be left to the somewhat desiccated values of a single judge".

5) What is Dacre’s view on the BBC?

That it is too powerful

6) Look at the right-hand side of page 4. Why is the editor of a newspaper so important?

The views expressed by an editor can influence the readers opinion

7) Why did Guardian journalist Tim Adams describe Dacre as the most dangerous man in Britain? What example stories does Adams refer to?

Britain’s “wide-open borders”. These stories are sparked by a coastguard’s interception of a boat of 18 Albanian asylum seekers off the coast at Dymchurch. It follows with the splash that the boat had been bought on eBay. The following day, by implication, we get an extrapolation of what this boat portends. The headline identifies “EU killers and rapists we’ve failed to deport”

8) How does the Daily Mail cover the issue of immigration? What representations are created in this coverage?

Daily Mail is pro immigration control 

9) How did the Daily Mail cover the murder of MP Jo Cox?

their report emphasised, just a “loner with a history of mental illness”.

10) What was Dacre’s position on Brexit?

he supported brexit


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