Magazines: Men's Health- Industry Case Study

Hearst publishing

1) Hearst UK is part of Hearst Communications. What is Hearst Communications and where is it based?

Hearst UK is an American mass media and business information conglomerate based in Manhattan New York.

2) What media industries and brands make up the Hearst Communications conglomerate?

Hearst Television
Hearst Magazines
Hearst Ventures
Hearst Business Media
Hearst Entertainment & Syndication
Hearst Newspapers
Verizon Hearst Media Partners (50%)

3) What was the global revenue for Hearst Communications (in dollars) for the most recent year on record?
US$11.4 billion (2019)

4) Focusing on Hearst UK, what other magazine brands are part of Hearst UK publishing? How many UK people do they reach in print and online?

ASDA magazine, ELLE, Harper's Bazaar, Men's Health.

Now read this Campaign interview with Hearst UK CEO James Wildman and answer the following questions:

1) What is James Wildman's plan for Hearst UK?
His aim is to grow share in print to stem decline, accelerate growth in digital, diversify revenues through events and partnerships, and look at acquisitions.

2) What percentage ad decline are consumer magazines facing?
Ad declines of more than 10% this year.

3) What Wildman think about premium content and paywalls?
He thinks they should charge for premium content and no paywalls are planned yet.

4) How has Hearst used diversification to grow the business?
Hearsts uses diversification to grow the business,Hearst runs about 100 events a year and he plans to focus on fewer, bigger events.
Finally, read this Hearst UK press release for their late 2018 ABC figures and answer two simple questions:

1) Is Men's Health increasing or decreasing in circulation?
It is increasing.

2) What does the press release say about recent successes associated with Men's Health?

Men’s Health’s #MendTheGap campaign continues to help redress the disparity between attitudes toward mental and physical health.

The impact of digital media on the print magazines industry

Read this BBC website feature on the print magazine industry and then this Guardian feature on the demise of NME magazine and print magazines in general. Now answer the following questions:

1) Why are traditional print magazines struggling?

Print magazines are struggling due to the popularity of the internet as everything can be found on the internet for free.

2) What genre of magazines is currently bucking the trend and increasing sales? Why is this?

News and political magazines as the news of celebrities and gossip can be found on the internet but news of politics and business are still written.

3) In contrast, what magazine genres are struggling? Give examples of magazines that have declined or stopped printing altogether.

Magazines like Look, Now, Vanity Fair, OK and Vogue have declined in sales.

4) Look at the Guardian article in detail. What statistics are provided to demonstrate the decline in the print magazines industry between 2010 and 2017? What about the percentage decline from 2000?

The sales of the top 100 purchased print titles fell by 42% from 23.8m to 13.9m between 2010 and 2017. The percentage decline from 2000 is 55% from 30.8m.

5) What percentage of ad revenue is taken by Google and Facebook?
90% of all new spend.

6) What strategies can magazine publishers use to remain in business in the digital age?

Specialist magazines, catering for more niche audiences are likely to always have a print fanbase.Wildman says for magazines to survive they must build a brand beyond the core print publication.

7) Why does the Hearst UK CEO James Wildman suggest that the magazine industry is not dead?

Hearst ran 100 events related to magazines last year and the events sold out for instance the Harper's Bazaar event when tickets where £600 each.

8) What examples from the Guardian article are provided to demonstrate how magazines are finding new revenue streams? What is the Men's Health branding used for?
DFS and Country Living. The Men's Health branding is being used at the home gym at Argos .

9) What signs for optimism might there be for traditional magazine brands?
Time Inc in the US has been sold for $1.8bn.

10) How does Men's Health fit into this picture? Why do you think Men's Health has remained successful in the digital age? Do you think Men's Health will continue to publish for many years to come? Why?

I think Men's Health has remained successful as it targets a specific audience and uses celebrities to promote the brand. I don't think Men's Health will continue to publish however they may try to use the internet to their benefit as print is declining with the rise of the internet.

The Men's Health website and social media

Visit the Men's Health websiteTwitter feed and Instagram. Answer the following questions:

1) What similarities do you notice between the website and the print edition of the magazine?

Both print and the website use hypermasculine images and texts and promote fitness and health.

2) What newsletters are offered by Men's Health what do they include? How does this help Hearst UK to make money? There is more information on newsletters here if you need it.

The newsletters include features on fitness and health and offer advice for the audience.

3) Look at the Men's Health website menu bar. What are the menu options? What does this suggest about the representation of men and masculinity associated with Men's Health?

The options are fitness,mental strength,health,nutrition and workouts. This suggests that the magazine has a conventional stance on masculinity by trying to link masculinity with strength. However, they may be trying to combat this as they included mental strength which is a topic men do not really talk about.

4) Choose one of the menu sections (e.g. Mental Strength) and write a list of the features in that area of the website. What target audience are these features aimed at?

  • Just one energy drink can increase heart attack risk
  • 6 0bvious signs that that show you're seriously stressed out
  • the resurrection of Kevin Hart
These features are aimed at men that may be concerned with their health and need advice.

5) Do you think the Men's Health website is trying to sell the print version or simply build a digital audience? What are the advantages and disadvantages of a 'digital first' strategy?

I think they are trying to build a digital audience as there has been a decline in print.

6) How does the Men's Health Twitter feed use 'clickbait' to try and get users to click through to the magazine's website? Give examples of tweets that are designed to get the audience to click through.

  • Slow and steady is always your best weight loss approach, but you can speed up your process
  • During this test study subjects ate less throughout the day after skipping their first meal
  • Could this bee the future of gyms?

They use engaging and intriguing titles that make the audience want to solve the mystery.

7) How does the Twitter feed uses images and video content alongside text and links?

They use images of celebrities that the audience can recognise as well as fitness photos that will make the audience want to look like the model.

8) What does the Men's Health Instagram suggest about the Men's Health brand? Is this appealing to a similar audience to the print version of the magazine?

It suggests that the brand is very masculine and that the audience are serious in taking care of their health and bodies.This is appealing to the audience of the print magazine.

9) Is the Men's Health social media designed to sell the print magazine or build a digital audience? Why?

The men's health social media is designed to build a digital audience.

10) Evaluate the success of the Men's Health brand online. Does it successfully communicate with its target audience? Will the digital platforms eventually replace the print magazine completely?

I think it does successfully communicate with the audience as it publishing features that they are interested in similar to the print version and keeping up with the social media. It will eventually replace print magazines due to the decline in sales of them .


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