Advertising: Gauntlett and masculinity

Read this extract from Media, Gender and Identity by David Gauntlett. This is another university-level piece of academic writing so it will be challenging - but there are some fascinating ideas here regarding the changing representation of men and women in the media.

1) What examples does Gauntlett provide of the "decline of tradition"?

Identity is more fluid and transformable than ever before.The gender categories and roles have not been shattered but there is more space for a greater diversity of identities.

2) How does Gauntlett suggest the media influences the way we construct our own identities?

The media provides numerous kinds of guidance in a subtle way that suggests ways of living life.

3) What does Gauntlett suggest regarding generational differences? Is it a good thing that the media seems to promote modern liberal values?

Traditional attitudes may be scarce amongst the under 30s and conservative attitudes are developed as people get older and their attitudes become less liberal.

4) Why does Gauntlett suggest that masculinity is NOT in crisis?

Gauntlett argues that men's magazines have almost an obsessive relationship with the socially constructed nature of manhood. This suggests that masculinity is not in crisis since the media promotes ideas with connotations to masculinity.

5) Does advertising still reinforce the "conventionally rugged, super-independent, extra-strong macho man" that Gauntlett discusses? Offer examples for both sides of the argument from the wider advertising industry.

Images of the "conventionally rugged super" still circulate in the media and popular culture. The identities promoted to men are constrained in the media.

6) Gauntlett discusses the idea of 'girl power' and offers examples from music and film. Does advertising provide evidence to support the idea of 'girl power' or is the industry still reinforcing traditional representations of men and women?

Advertising offers a more modern perspective view on women and that they can be strong and independent. Several movies have featured self confident,tough and intelligent women.The Spice girls also supported the idea of 'girl power'. 

7) Do you agree with Gauntlett's argument under 'Popular feminism, women and men' where he suggests that younger generations are not threatened by traditional gender roles and are comfortable with social changes? Does advertising provide examples either reinforcing or challenging this idea that younger generations are more comfortable with changing gender roles?

Many young women associate femisnism with their mother's generation. They have to develop their own language for dealing with sexual inequality.

8) What examples from advertising does Gauntlett provide for the changing nature of gender in society (from the section on Judith Butler's Gender trouble)?

Ads such as impulse deodorant playfully teased heterosexual desires only to reveal that the lust object was more interested in their own sex. This shows how the nature of gender in society has been changing as this would not have been acceptable or encouraged in the media before,

9) Why is advertising such a good example of the 'contradictory elements' that Gauntlett discusses with regards to the mass media? In other words, how does advertising continue to both reinforce and challenge gender stereotypes?

Unlike the media in the past we no longer have clear and straightforward messages of the ideal types of males and female identities.Instead, the media offers stars and icons that audiences can idolise and take pieces of their public persona for their own uses.The contradictory element is that the media also promotes the idea of being creative,unique and encourage individuals to 'be yourself'.

10) Finally, Gauntlett makes a clear case that things change and modern identities are increasingly fluid. What is your opinion on this debate - do you agree that the media reinforces the changing attitudes towards gender and sexuality in society?

I think views of gender and sexuality has definitely changed in society as well as the media throughout the years and the media has in some ways reinforced the changing attitudes.Although the LGBT+ community are underrepresented in the media there definitely is more representation of them than there used to be.


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