1) Type up your feedback in full

WWW:  Question 2 is superb, you discussed a range ofdifferent emanings and your analysis has real depth. I f you can reach this level across the whole exam consistently you will be looking at a top grade.
EBI: Exam technique. Generally just analyse the product you are given rather than speculating as you did in q1.
 Revise narrative and genre theories:key aspects missing from q1+q3.
Q4 is a 20 mark essay so you need to write 4-5 developed paragraphs.

2) Read the mark scheme for this assessment carefully. Identify at least one potential point that you missed out on for each question in the assessment.

question 1:Propp's character types:urban hero established through costume and props

question 2:Similarities:urban setting,single male character,colour scheme,poverty
differences:Ill manners allows you to get to know the character while Nike keeps the character ambiguous,looming sun vs rising sun.

question 3:Neale -repetition and difference- allows producers to evolve genre but main audience.

question 4:Preferred or dominant readings: Vibe as opinion leader (two-step flow theory), defining ‘cool’ on behalf of audience; authority and confidence (‘We dare you to disagree’); celebrating hip-hop and urban culture
Oppositional or counter-hegemonic readings: reinforcement of negative black stereotypes (‘Sex, drugs and R&B’); central image aggressive or challenging
Negotiated readings: an understanding and appreciation that many audiences will adopt somewhere between the two extremes – an acceptance of urban or hip-hop culture without perhaps identifying personally (Uses & Gratifications theory).

3) Read this exemplar response from a previous Year 12 (a strong B grade). Identify at least one potential point that you missed out on for each question in the assessment. 

The use of the gun creates enigma codes for the audience- 'why does he have a gun?'

Difference in ethnicity.Both use a young male.
Producers use key aspects of genre as this is what audiences are attracted to and enjoy.
Hall's reception theory-stylish clothing and jewellery can be read in different ways.

4) Did you get any media terminology or theory wrong in the assessment? Make a note of it here for future revision, including theories/terminology that you could have used but didn't.

I could have included Neal's theory and Propp's character types.

5) Identify your strongest question. Why did you do better on this question?

I think i did best on question 2 as there were many factors to describe in terms of similarities and differences.

6) Identify your weakest question. Why did you score lower on this particular task?

The weakest question was question 3 as i did not revise how genre has an impact on producers.

7) Re-write your weakest answer in full (or, if it was the essay question, write out a full essay plan). Use the mark scheme to identify anticipated content you can add to your response and make sure your typed re-draft is a top-level answer.

Genre is important for audiences as it gives them an insight into the narrative and allows them to build expectations about the media text. They can expect what type of characters it will involve as well as  the plot and content of the film. From there they can choose to watch it or reject it as everyone has individual preferences on genre.The audience can make comparison between media products to see whether they would like it or not.
Genre is important for producers as genre is a template for producers to attract audiences as they can identify which genres are most popular and how to attract the audience that are interested in that particular genre and use marketing to attract them.This is also useful for economic reassurance as producers will identify the most popular genres and base their product on that otherwise there is the risk of not making any profit because they were focused on the wrong genre that people do not enjoy.

8) Email your re-written answer  to the next person below you on the blog list. Ask them to provide a WWW/EBI response before next Friday and then include this underneath your answer on your blog. 

Rhea Heer


-you have explained in detail why genre is for audiences and media producers

-you have linked back on how the audience has different opinions on each genre and how it will impact the thought process of the producers as they need to think about if the genre will attract more people

-overall it was really good as you explained the key points and answered the question well


-you could mention some theorists such as shatz and Neal and Abercrombie and explain how their theories would impact the way producers and audiences perceive each genre and why


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